Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 6

This weeks Results:

1. Frans .88% (just want to point out that Frans has not had a plus since we started congrats Frans!!)
2. Kattie .37%
3.Maria 0%
4. Wendy +.98%
5.Christine +1.24%
6.Jenny +2.01% (UGGGGH!!!)
7.Danna--no report
8.Schuy--no report

Good Luck this week everyone! I know I am going to need it if anyone has some great advice please by all means I really should not cheat this week--but I am afraid with stress I will.

I know there are stress in our lives, so let's try to recognize it and find an outlet for it. Whether it is drinking more water, taking a walk, jumping on a trampoline, reading a book, taking a bath, or whatever it is that we can find some time to regroup and think about our goals and how it is going to better our lives with this weight loss. Let's try not to get too discouraged and keep thinking positive.

Week 5

1. Wendy 2,38%
2. Jenny 1.97%
3. Frans .87%
4.Christine 0%
4. Maria 0%
5. Kattie +1.12%
Danna --no report
Schuy--no report
Mike--not participating

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Few Quotes!

Losing weight in a healthy way takes time and patience. Allow yourself to experience both and enjoy the rewards. --R.R.

It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting. Don't just think about it--do it! Take the plunge and move toward your goal. --A.H.

Be true to yourself. When you cheat constantly, you're not hurting anyone but yourself. You're not hurting your friends, your family, just yourself. --M.G.

The freedom to choose implies the responsibility to understand.

Hope these quotes can keep our goals in mind and get us through the difficult times. Let's keep positive! Remember to drink your water, not stress too much, enjoy your exercise and think positive! I'm not sure where I found these quotes, but if you can break my code then congrats!

Week 4

Hey Everyone here is our weekly results for those of you who turned in your weight. I am going to be really busy Saturday so I decided to go ahead and post what I have so far--I will update it if I get more information. Hope everyone did great on drinking their water. Jenny

1. Frans 2.14%
2. Maria 1.53%
3. Jenny 1.17%
4. Kattie 1.11%
5. Mike + .83%
6 Danna*
Schuy (emailed me and is out for now)

Week 3

Here are the results from this week. Danna and Schuy I didn't get info from you so if it changes things let me know. Congrats Wendy! I think we need to really make it a goal this week to get on track and get some more weight off our bodies!! I am challenging everyone to drink 1 gal of water per day and lets see what difference that will make for us all.

1. Wendy .96%
2. Frans .85%
3. Maria .76%
4. Kattie .73%
5. Jenny +.39%
6.Christine +.63%
7.Mike +1.27%
8. Danna
9. Schuy