Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well yesterday, day 4, was insanely hard. I am trying to figure out why--what was or is different about Wednesdays that are hard? I did cheat I had some tomato soup and a sliver of grilled cheese sandwich. Obviously I cannot clean off the table after the kids eat when I am weak. I ended up eating some of their leftovers. I talked to my sister yesterday and she also struggled so I told her "tommorow is a new day with no mistakes in it" (thank you Anne Shirley). I am trying to prove that point is true today by not cheating today. I will report how it goes. I do think that sometimes on diets when we mess up we think "oh, well might as well really cheat". I was able to stop last night before it got too bad (I did lose weight today still 3/4 of a pound).
Here are my goals: Phase 1--Eat right, lose 50lbs
Phase 2--Increase exercise, lose 35 more lbs
Phase 3--Exercise maintain weightloss
A more short term goal is to look good for my trip to Florida in December.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Beginnings

Okay so we started this blog before when we were doing a group to lose weight. It ended in June. I have decided to take over the blog and use it as my personal journal through losing weight. Today is Day 3 for me. I have lost 7 lbs so far. Today was hard. Let me tell you--you know you have a sugar addiction when you are cleaning the floor and find a piece of chocolate and think "I few carpet hairs won't taste so bad" (I know totally gross)! I didn't eat it I threw it away but I really wanted some sugar today. I am trying to find new things to do to take my mind off of what I can't have. I am hoping that by writing a "journal" about the struggles with losing weight will help me be healthier and lighter. Tomorrow I will define my long term goals and my short term goals. I have invited two others to join me to be healthier and lose weight. I don't know if they will blog but hopefully together we can lose weight and more importantly be healthier.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting through the struggles!

So sorry for the lack of communication. I too have been struggling. Mike and I are going through some tough finacial problems right now and so I eat to ease the stress (at least I am not yelling at him right?) so I don't know if advice from me is very good. I do know that in order to keep the weight off after hcg (I am not on right now either) we need to concentrate on eating balanced meals and supplementing with shakes (like slim fast or something) is a good idea too. I know a lady that switched from hcg to eating lean cuisines and exercising and she does pretty well keeping it off. It is mainly about portion control and getting your water in (which I have not been doing). Make small goals--like "today I am going to drink all my water" or "today is going to be a sugar free day". I think we tend to make big goals like "I am going to be good all week" and then when we mess up we say "oh, well maybe next week" and the rest of the week is a wasteland of cheating. I know when I do daily goals I do way better than long term goals. I also look at it like everyday is a new day "with no mistakes in it" like Anne Shirley says. My brother-in-law also tells me (he is a personal trainer) that I need to put a piece of paper with the words "YOU CAN DO IT" on my bathroom mirror and every morning tell yourself that you can do this. The power of positive thinking is a huge thing. I hope this helps. Just writing it has inspired me.

Also, as you start your meal, first observe how much you're putting on your plate and what you're putting on your plate. Are there more vegetables, starchs (Carbs), protein? Then when you have finished your meal and are thinking of getting more ask yourself: DO I REALLY NEED TO EAT MORE? Think postive, sometimes that is hard to do (especially with sooo much going on in our lives), but a postive aspect will help. I remember in a Relief Society class the teacher mentioned something about a companion who didn't have much self esteem and didn't like how she looked. BUT every morning she would get up and she would look in the mirror and say one postive thing to herself like: "I have great teeth today! or My butt looks really well in this skirt! or I have a pretty smile!" among other thoughts. This companion would chant it over and over all through out the day, but it helped her get through the difficult parts of the day.

When doing a task be conscious of having your stomach muscles tight, good form, intensity in what it is your doing whether it be vacuuming, washing dishes, walking the aisles of a grocery store.

I'll let you into the secret. It is nothing really difficult if you only begin. Some people contemplate a task until it looks so big it seems impossible, but I just begin and it gets done somehow. --quote from dad's book. Let's just begin as mentioned earlier on the smaller goals and not contemplate the bigger ones as much.

Somebody said that it couldn't be done
But he, with a chuckle, replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in, with a trace of grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and HE DID IT.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no on ever has done it."
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With the lift of his chin, and a bit of a grin
Without any doubting or quitting
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done and HE DID IT.

There are thousands to tell you it can't be done
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to enumerate, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you;
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Then tack off your coat and go to it.
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and YOU'LL DO IT!
--------Edgar Guest


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 6

This weeks Results:

1. Frans .88% (just want to point out that Frans has not had a plus since we started congrats Frans!!)
2. Kattie .37%
3.Maria 0%
4. Wendy +.98%
5.Christine +1.24%
6.Jenny +2.01% (UGGGGH!!!)
7.Danna--no report
8.Schuy--no report

Good Luck this week everyone! I know I am going to need it if anyone has some great advice please by all means I really should not cheat this week--but I am afraid with stress I will.

I know there are stress in our lives, so let's try to recognize it and find an outlet for it. Whether it is drinking more water, taking a walk, jumping on a trampoline, reading a book, taking a bath, or whatever it is that we can find some time to regroup and think about our goals and how it is going to better our lives with this weight loss. Let's try not to get too discouraged and keep thinking positive.

Week 5

1. Wendy 2,38%
2. Jenny 1.97%
3. Frans .87%
4.Christine 0%
4. Maria 0%
5. Kattie +1.12%
Danna --no report
Schuy--no report
Mike--not participating

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Few Quotes!

Losing weight in a healthy way takes time and patience. Allow yourself to experience both and enjoy the rewards. --R.R.

It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting. Don't just think about it--do it! Take the plunge and move toward your goal. --A.H.

Be true to yourself. When you cheat constantly, you're not hurting anyone but yourself. You're not hurting your friends, your family, just yourself. --M.G.

The freedom to choose implies the responsibility to understand.

Hope these quotes can keep our goals in mind and get us through the difficult times. Let's keep positive! Remember to drink your water, not stress too much, enjoy your exercise and think positive! I'm not sure where I found these quotes, but if you can break my code then congrats!

Week 4

Hey Everyone here is our weekly results for those of you who turned in your weight. I am going to be really busy Saturday so I decided to go ahead and post what I have so far--I will update it if I get more information. Hope everyone did great on drinking their water. Jenny

1. Frans 2.14%
2. Maria 1.53%
3. Jenny 1.17%
4. Kattie 1.11%
5. Mike + .83%
6 Danna*
Schuy (emailed me and is out for now)

Week 3

Here are the results from this week. Danna and Schuy I didn't get info from you so if it changes things let me know. Congrats Wendy! I think we need to really make it a goal this week to get on track and get some more weight off our bodies!! I am challenging everyone to drink 1 gal of water per day and lets see what difference that will make for us all.

1. Wendy .96%
2. Frans .85%
3. Maria .76%
4. Kattie .73%
5. Jenny +.39%
6.Christine +.63%
7.Mike +1.27%
8. Danna
9. Schuy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 2 Results

Here are the results. Everyone is doing great as they are finding what is working for them or not. Let's keep our goals in mind and continue to work hard.

1. Frans 2.45%
2. Danna 2.38%
3. Christine 1.26%
4. Mike 0.84%
5. Wendy 0 .49%
6. Jenny 0%
7. Kattie +.74%
8. Maria +.76%
9. Schuy*

Friday, February 19, 2010


Ten Rules of Happiness

1. Develop yourself by self-discipline.

2. Joy comes through creation. Sorrow through destruction. Every living thing can grow; use the world wisely to realize soul growth.

3. Do things which are hard to do.

4. Entertain up building thoughts. What you think about when you do not have to think shows what you really are.

5. Do your best this hour and you will be better the next.

6. Be true to those who trust you.

7. Pray for those things such as wisdom, courage, and a kind heart.

8. Give heed to God's message through inspiration. If self-indulgence, jealousy, avarice or worry have deadened your response, pray to the Lord to wipe out these impediments.

9. True friends enrich life. If you would have friends, be one.

10. Faith is the foundation of all things, including happiness.

-----President David O. McKay

The last couple of weeks I've been distracted and letting the petty things of life affect the way I eat and work out. I am hoping for some inspiration to get past the little hold ups to better my life with being healthier. I hope everyone is doing well and can find the courage, strength to overcome their habits and be an inspiration and friend to those around them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quote for the Day!

Okay so here is a quote my dad used to tell us kids all the time. I feel it is fitting for today.
"Get out of bed...its where most people die." I don't know who said this but very true!!

And here is last weeks results:
1. Wendy 3.29%
2. Frans 2.78%
3. Mike Hokanson 2.45%
4. Maria 1.50%
5. Kattie 1.45%
6. Christine 1.24%
7. Jenny .39%
8. +.47%
9. Danna

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wendy Billings

Hi, my name is Wendy Billings. I have struggled for as long as I remember with my weight. During each of my four pregnancies I was able to lose weight. Then as soon as they were born I gained all of it back and then some. I did lose some weight recently but there is still 70 lbs extra that I want to get rid of. I am so glad for this group because I needed some motivation to exercise and not cheat. I know with exercise and self control we all can lose the weight we need to.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kattie Taufa

I am Kattie Taufa, the older sister of Jenny Hokanson. I am happily married with 2 kids, one girl and one boy! Makelani was just added to the family 2 months ago. I love to read, scrapbook (when I have time and room), and spend time with my family. My goal is to lose 20-25 pounds (for June, but not my ultimate goal of about 90 lbs), to get back into the workout mode, and watch my portion control. I have a overactive daughter, and a son who has his moments of an all-nighter, and a husband who works different hours each day. This may make it difficult for me to workout, but also give me motivation to make time for myself. I sometimes feel that having that workout time is a good way to calm me down and give me some actual peace and quiet time. It is hard for me to start working out, but when in the habit find it is fun and enjoyable. I sometimes read while doing cardio, listen to a good book or watch a show that will distract me enough from the pain and boredom of doing cardio. I am lucky enough to have Sekona (my husband) work at a gym and get free membership. I must admit that sometimes I neglect Sekona's good advice and will work on listening better to improve my health. I too am a mood eater. Stress and boredom seem to be my weakness and I still have cravings from being pregnant. I LOVE chocolate, butterscotch, caramel, and mint ice cream, along with most any carbs (potatoes, breads, etc.). I am glad to be a part of this group and look forward to each of us meeting our goals!

Monday, February 1, 2010


My name is Frans Yorgesen. I am Jenny's youngest brother and have one beautiful daughter. I want to lose about 50lbs.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is Me, Maria Holst

Okay so my name is Maria and I would love to lose my extra. I have 6 beautiful children and a little left from each one to remind me of them. Since I have the 6 as reminders I have decided that I can now let go of the sentimentalise(not sure if a word) I have kept from each of them. So I would be delighted to lose 10 pounds and thrilled above measure to lose 15 pounds! My main problem and the reason I wanted to do this is because I am extremely LAZY, hmmm, read a book or go walk, the book is going to win hands down. This is the most recent picture I have. I am at a Math team competition that we put on as a district. I will get a better picture, but my other computer is not working right now. Chocolate and sweets are my major downfall. I am also a stress eater and building a new house amounts to a lot of STRESS! About 10 pounds this summer, I have lost some of it already.
I am so excited to have some motivation, win or not I do not care because every little bit I lose am already a step closer to winning the ultimate prize, A SMALLER ME!!!


Okay group here is your chance to blog about all sorts of things. Here is a place we can support each other and give each other ideas that can help us through our weak times. I would like everyone to put a memo about themselves so we can all get to know each other a little better. If you feel like throwing around a little friendly banter or trash talk (as someone told me) then all the more fun to have. I will let you know about me first. My name is Jenny Hokanson and I am in serious need of losing some poundage. My goal is to lose about 80 lbs. (not necessarily before June but total weight loss). I grew up in Mattawa WA and played a ton of sports. If I would of kept up on the sports I probably wouldn't have the weight problem I do today, but with birthing babies and such you know it all goes down hill (gravity is an unfortunate thing in this case). My husband is Mike and we have 6 kids--3 girls and 3 boys. I used to be a Yorgesen so my sister, sister-in-law, and brother are in group with us. I am a total stress eater and so the hardest times I have are during stressful times. I also like to eat during the afternoons like around 2 pm so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I really can't think about anything else right now so if you have any questions about me feel free to ask! JENNY