Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well yesterday, day 4, was insanely hard. I am trying to figure out why--what was or is different about Wednesdays that are hard? I did cheat I had some tomato soup and a sliver of grilled cheese sandwich. Obviously I cannot clean off the table after the kids eat when I am weak. I ended up eating some of their leftovers. I talked to my sister yesterday and she also struggled so I told her "tommorow is a new day with no mistakes in it" (thank you Anne Shirley). I am trying to prove that point is true today by not cheating today. I will report how it goes. I do think that sometimes on diets when we mess up we think "oh, well might as well really cheat". I was able to stop last night before it got too bad (I did lose weight today still 3/4 of a pound).
Here are my goals: Phase 1--Eat right, lose 50lbs
Phase 2--Increase exercise, lose 35 more lbs
Phase 3--Exercise maintain weightloss
A more short term goal is to look good for my trip to Florida in December.

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