Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well yesterday, day 4, was insanely hard. I am trying to figure out why--what was or is different about Wednesdays that are hard? I did cheat I had some tomato soup and a sliver of grilled cheese sandwich. Obviously I cannot clean off the table after the kids eat when I am weak. I ended up eating some of their leftovers. I talked to my sister yesterday and she also struggled so I told her "tommorow is a new day with no mistakes in it" (thank you Anne Shirley). I am trying to prove that point is true today by not cheating today. I will report how it goes. I do think that sometimes on diets when we mess up we think "oh, well might as well really cheat". I was able to stop last night before it got too bad (I did lose weight today still 3/4 of a pound).
Here are my goals: Phase 1--Eat right, lose 50lbs
Phase 2--Increase exercise, lose 35 more lbs
Phase 3--Exercise maintain weightloss
A more short term goal is to look good for my trip to Florida in December.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Beginnings

Okay so we started this blog before when we were doing a group to lose weight. It ended in June. I have decided to take over the blog and use it as my personal journal through losing weight. Today is Day 3 for me. I have lost 7 lbs so far. Today was hard. Let me tell you--you know you have a sugar addiction when you are cleaning the floor and find a piece of chocolate and think "I few carpet hairs won't taste so bad" (I know totally gross)! I didn't eat it I threw it away but I really wanted some sugar today. I am trying to find new things to do to take my mind off of what I can't have. I am hoping that by writing a "journal" about the struggles with losing weight will help me be healthier and lighter. Tomorrow I will define my long term goals and my short term goals. I have invited two others to join me to be healthier and lose weight. I don't know if they will blog but hopefully together we can lose weight and more importantly be healthier.